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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 黄腐醇标准品 Xanthohumol
黄腐醇标准品 Xanthohumol
产品: 浏览次数:606黄腐醇标准品 Xanthohumol 
品牌: 进口
产品型号: 6754-58-1
产品规格: 5mg 10mg
最小起订量: 5 mg
供货总量: 100 mg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2023-06-20 10:58
Xanthohumol (XN) is a prenylated flavonoid isolated from hops that exhibits anticancer, atheroprotective, neuroprotective, and estrogenic activities. XN alters NF-kB signaling, decreases expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1-beta and MCP-1, and activated AMP-activated protein kinase. In a rodent model of cerebral ischemia, XN attenuated focal cerebral ischemia and improved neurobehavioral deficits by inhibiting ischemia-related increases in TNF-alpha, HIF-1alpha, iNOS, and free radical formation. XN also inhibited differentiation of preadipocytes and increased apoptosis in mature adipocytes, potentially playing a role in lipid metabolism. This compound may also play a preventative role against bone diseases, as it inhibits osteoclastogenesis by modulating RANKL signaling.
Cas No. 6754-58-1
Product ID HX0254
Product Name Xanthohumol    黄腐醇标准品 Xanthohumol
Formula Wt. 354.40
Purity ≥98%
References Suh KS, Rhee SY, Kim YS, et al. Xanthohumol modulates the expression of osteoclast-specific genes during osteoclastogenesis in RAW264.7 cells. Food Chem Toxicol. 2013 Aug 27. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23994090. 

Doddapattar P, Radovi B, Patankar JV, et al. Xanthohumol ameliorates atherosclerotic plaque formation, hypercholesterolemia, and hepatic steatosis in ApoE-deficient mice. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2013 May 3. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 23650230. 

Viola K, Kopf S, Rarova L, et al. Xanthohumol attenuates tumour cell-mediated breaching of the lymphendothelial barrier and prevents intravasation and metastasis. Arch Toxicol. 2013 Jul;87(7):1301-12. PMID: 23503627. 

Yen TL, Hsu CK, Lu WJ, et al. Neuroprotective effects of xanthohumol, a prenylated flavonoid from hops (Humulus lupulus), in ischemic stroke of rats. J Agric Food Chem. 2012 Feb 29;60(8):1937-44. PMID: 22300539. 

Monteiro R, Calhau C, Silva AO, et al. Xanthohumol inhibits inflammatory factor production and angiogenesis in breast cancer xenografts. J Cell Biochem. 2008 Aug 1;104(5):1699-707. PMID: 18348194. 

Yang JY, Della-Fera MA, Rayalam S, et al. Effect of xanthohumol and isoxanthohumol on 3T3-L1 cell apoptosis and adipogenesis. Apoptosis. 2007 Nov;12(11):1953-63. PMID: 17874298.

Shanghai HuicH Biotech Co.
药物: TRC   LGC   USP  LKT    Focus
植提标准品: Extrasynthese  PhytoLab   Chromadex  CaroteNature
糖类: Elicityl  TDB   Ludger   Megazyme   Glycarbo
脂类: Nu-Chek  Larodan   Avanti   Matreya
其他: TCI   ERM   Wako  Jackson  Cayman  laysan

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